Wednesday 4 March 2015

★ 潮州福果芋泥一 簡單做法 ★ | Sweet Taro with Gingko Easy Recipe

我今天介紹潮州馳名甜品 <福果芋泥>做法, 芋泥又滑又香, 福果紅棗很煙靭, 很好吃!
I am making a famous Chiu Chow dessert: sweet taro with gingko.   
三百克芋頭 切件
五十克白果 (福果)
六粒紅棗 拍鬆去核切半
三粒紅蔥頭 拍鬆


300g sliced taro
50g gingko
6 red dates, pitted and halved
3 shallots, crushed
Cooking oil
80g sugar


處理福果: 將福果拍鬆去殼,去皮, 放入水煮十五分鐘, 取出切開一半去除中間的心, 之後放入生油炸半分鐘, 再撈入三湯匙糖醃三小時.

先將芋片放入鑊, 再放入加了兩湯匙糖的紅棗, 和處理好了的白果一切蒸. 上蓋,水滾後大火轉中火後蒸二十分鐘.  在食物蒸的時候準備糖漿: 將兩湯匙砂糖, 一百五十毫升水及一湯匙粟粉撈勻, 放進鑊用小火煮杰.  二十分鐘後, 將蓋移去, 用竹籤試試芋頭熟了未. 如竹籤輕易拮穿芋頭便知已熟了.將熱芋頭你搓成蓉狀.  燒熱三湯匙生油,放入紅葱頭, 用慢火炒香, 當聞到香味便取出紅蔥頭. 放入砂糖及芋蓉搓勻,再加入一百二十毫升水和蒸福果紅棗的糖水撈勻.  炒勻成糊狀便可取出上碟.  用福果紅棗放上芋泥面裝飾. 最後淋上熱騰騰的糖漿, 潮州福果芋泥便完成了!

如喜歡的話, 請訂閱我的頻道及給我一些支持, 謝謝!


Remove the shells and the skin from the gingko.  Boil for 15 minutes, cut in half and remove the cores from the centres.  Deep fry for 30 seconds, then marinate with sugar for 3 hours before steaming it with the taro slices.  Put 2 tbsp of sugar with the red dates.  Place the taro, gingko and red dates in the wok and steam for 20 minutes under medium heat.  

While the food is steaming, we prepare the syrup by mixing 2 tbsp of sugar, 150ml of water and 1 tbsp of corn starch, and heat the mixture in a wok until becomes a syrup.

After 20 minutes, use a cocktail stick to check if the taro is cooked. The taro is cooked if it can be easily pierced through.  Mash the taro while it is hot.  Heat up 3 tbsp of oil in a wok, and deep fry the shallots until they turn golden brown.  Remove the shallots from the oil, and add in the sugar, mashed taro, 120ml of water, and the sugar water from the gingko and red dates.  Mix well until the taro becomes a paste, then place it on a plate. 

Place the gingko and red dates on the paste for decoration, then pour the syrup over the taro and it is now ready to serve. 

I hope you will try this at home!

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