張媽媽英式鬆餅(司康餅),下午茶必食! 嘆返杯奶茶, 真是絕配!
MamaCheung's scones, great to serve at tea time. It is a match made in heaven with a nice cup of tea.
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200g Cake flour50g Strong flour
1tsp Baking powder
50g Sugar
3 tbsp Milk
1 Egg
70g Unsalted butter
1 tsp Vanilla extract
1 Cake mould
20g Crushed nuts
將雞蛋拂勻,留起少許蛋液遲些搽在鬆餅上. 加入砂糖,攪溶. 攪兩分鐘後加入鮮奶再攪勻後備用.
用篩篩勻低筋麵粉,高筋麵粉及發粉. 將粉撈勻,不能搓否則會起筋. 將果仁揸碎. 將牛油碾進麵粉裏,撈勻.
將香草精加入蛋漿,再加進麵粉裏, 撈勻,揸成糰. 將粉糰放在碗裡,包上保鮮紙,靜止二十分鐘. 現在可以預熱焗爐.
二十分鐘後,在桌面灑上高筋麵粉. 將粉糰壓平, 灑上果仁碎及提子乾,包入粉糰內再壓平,約半寸厚. 用餅模壓成餅狀. 焗盤鋪上牛油紙,將餅平均放在牛油紙上. 將多餘的粉糰再混合,壓平, 再用餅模壓成餅狀. 將蛋液搽在鬆餅上. 用攝氏一百八十度,焗十分鐘便可.
Whisk up the egg, save some for egg wash. Add in sugar into the egg, mix for 2 minutes until all the sugar has melted. Then pour in the milk, mix well and leave it aside for later. Sieve in the flour and baking powder into a bowl, mix well. Crush up the nuts. Add the butter in the flour mix and mix well. Add vanilla extract into the beaten egg, before pouring it into the flour mix. Mix well to form a dough (do not knead). Place the dough in a bowl and cover it with cling film, rest for 20 minutes. In the meantime, preheat the oven at 180C. 20 minutes later, sprinkle some strong flour onto the worktop, roll out the dough to 1/2 inch thick. Sprinkle crushed nuts and raisin onto the dough, fold in the nuts and roll it out again to 1/2 inch thick. Use a cake mould to cut out the scones. Place scones onto baking sheet in the baking tray. Gather the excess dough and roll it out to 1/2 inch thick, and use the mould to cut out more scones. Brush egg wash onto the surface of the scones before putting them into the oven. Bake at 180C for 10 minutes. Then the scones are ready to serve. Enjoy.
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