Wednesday, 28 January 2015

★ 馬蹄糕 一 簡單做法 ★ | Water Chestnut Cake Easy Recipe

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115g Water chestnut powder
225g Rock sugar
1/2 block of brown cane sugar (about 50g)
180g chopped water chestnut
1.5 tbsp cooking oil
3.5 bowls (791ml) of water


用一杯半水開溶馬蹄粉,剩下的兩杯水用來煮糖. 當糖溶了後,將馬蹄碎放進糖水內.煮五分鐘,滾起拔出泡泡.再隔五分鐘後,攪勻馬蹄粉漿,一路倒入鍋子裡,一路攪勻糖水.收細火,用木鏟不停大力攪粉醬,攪三至四分鐘.將蒸盤濕水,令馬蹄糕蒸好後容易取出.將煮好的馬蹄糕粉漿倒入盤內,盡量鋪平些.水滾了,放蒸盤在鑊上,搇蓋,收中火,蒸二十分鐘.好,夠鐘了,馬蹄糕,又爽又滑,完成了.


Use 1.5 bowl of water to dissolve the water chestnut powder. Use the other 2 cups of water to dissolve the sugar in a pan.  When the sugar has melted, add in the chopped water chestnut and cook for 5 minutes.  Remove the froth from the surface.  After 5 minutes, stir the water chestnut powder mixture into the pot.  Use a wooden stirrer to stir the mixture vigorously, the mixture will thicken as we stir.  Rinse the metal container with water before adding the mixture in.  When the water is boiled in the wok, place the container in the wok and steam for 20 minutes. Water chestnut cake is ready to serve after it cooled down.  It can be eaten as it is, or it can be lightly fried before serve. Enjoy!
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Wednesday, 21 January 2015

★ 年糕 一 簡單做法 ★ | Chinese New Year Cake Easy Recipe

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大家好, 今日為大家介紹較為特色的<賀年年糕>, 希望大家都試吓啦!新的一年祝大家身體健康,新活美滿. 希望你們喜歡及訂閱我的頻道!




1 Baking Fish mold
some food colouring
16 oz glutinous rice flour
 8 oz sugar
200 ml coconut milk
300 ml water
2 tbsp non-glutinous flour
2 tbsp condensed milk


將椰漿, 水, 砂糖放在煲裡, 開火煮溶砂糖. 加入煉奶(煉奶可令到年糕顏色白淨些). 當糖水攤凍後, 將澄粉及糯米粉用篩篩入糖水. 用茶隔磨走粒粒. 將少許粉漿放入鍋子裡, 加入少許色素調教顏色, 之後開火煮杰粉漿. 鯉魚模沖水後將微波爐保鮮紙包好. 將染了色的粉漿搽在魚模不同地方. 將魚模固定後, 再倒入白色粉漿. 將魚模用鐵架固定在蒸碟後,搇蓋,將大火轉中火蒸七十五分鐘. 蒸了四十五分鐘時, 微微鍵開蓋加入滾水. 七十五分鐘後, 鍵開蓋, 用廚房紙吸走年糕上的倒汗水. 當年糕攤凍後便可以脫模了. 


Heat up the coconut milk, water and sugar in a pot to dissolve the sugar, then pour in the condensed milk.  The condensed milk can make the cake whiter in colour.  Then once the fluid mixture has cooled down, use a sieve to sieve in the non-glutinous flour and glutinous rice flour into it.  Mix well and ensure the paste is silky smooth by breaking any lumps with a tea strainer.  

Take out some of the paste and put it in a pan.  Mix some food colouring with the paste and heat up the pan to thicken up the paste.  Rinse the fish mold with water before placing microwave cling film on it.  Then smear some coloured paste on to the mold before pouring the original white paste into the mold.  Secure the mold on the metal plate on the wok, cover the wok with a lid and steam it for 45 minutes under medium heat.  Then add some more boiling hot water into the wok by lifting the lid up slightly and steam for another 30 minutes.  When the cake is cooked, let it cool down before removing it from the mold.  This dish is a great dish served during Chinese New Year.  It is best to fry it on its own or after dipping it in beaten egg. Enjoy and Happy New Year.   
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Thursday, 15 January 2015

★ 蘿蔔糕 一 簡單做法 ★ | Turnip Cake Easy Recipe

I love eating turnip cake during Chinese New Year, please try it at home!

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1 lb of rice flour
1/2 lb of corn flour
1.8kg of turnip
Cooking oil
2 Chinese sausage
1/2 strip of Chinese cured pork
4 shiitake mushroom
100g rehydrated dried shrimp
1/2 tbsp salt
1/2 tsp ground pepper
1/2 tsp chicken powder
1 tsp sugar
sesame seed
2 Chinese celery
Chinese coriander and spring onion
9 cups (2034ml) of water (including turnip juice)


將蘿蔔刨皮切段後刨絲.然後將蘿蔔心切條.將半湯匙鹽放入蘿蔔,攪勻等十分鐘令蘿蔔出水. 將臘腸,臘肉,冬菇,蝦米,唐芹.芫茜蔥全部切粒備用.十分鐘後,渣出蘿蔔汁留起備用. 炒香三粒切碎了的紅蔥頭.放入冬菇粒,臘肉粒,,蝦米粒,胡椒粉,臘腸粒. 取出備用.炒香唐,芹粒,再放入蘿蔔.將五杯水(包括蘿蔔汁)加入鑊內來煮蘿蔔.加一茶匙糖,胡椒粉,雞粉.

將四杯水加入容器,再放入一磅水磨粘米粉,半磅粟粉,攪勻. 將粒粒放進蘿蔔兜勻. 加入粉漿,用鑊鏟從下到上兜勻,收細火.加兩湯匙油,令蘿蔔糕滑些.用錫紙包好蒸盆,再加入糕料.蒸一個半小時,用濕毛巾圍鑊邊.用竹籤吉入蘿蔔糕中央,如果糕是透明的話,蘿蔔糕便蒸熟了.灑上芝麻,芫茜蔥.熱騰騰,香噴噴的蘿蔔糕已完成了.如想煎的話,放入雪櫃一晚,令榚實些容易切一件件. 希望大家都會試試. 



Peel the turnip and cut into chunks before grating it.  Cut the centre of the turnip into strips.  Add 1/2 tsp of salt into the turnip, mix well and leave for 10 minutes.  After 10 minutes, squeeze out the juice from the turnip and leave it aside.

Chop up the Chinese sausage, cured pork, mushrooms, shrimp, celery, coriander and spring onion.  Stir fry the chopped mushroom, cured pork, shrimp and sausage.  Add some ground pepper and take them out for later.  

Then stir fry the chopped celery and add in the turnip and 5 cups of water (including the juice from the turnip).  Meanwhile,  mix 1 pound of rice flour and 1/2 pound of corn flour with 4 cups of water.  Add in the chopped mixture into the turnip, mix well. Then add in the flour mixture into the wok with the turnip.  Mix them well.  Pour the mixture into a container which has already been covered with aluminium foil.  Steam for 90 minutes.  

To test if the cake is cooked, use a cocktail stick to pierce through the centre of the cake, if the paste is clear, then the cake is ready.  Sprinkle sesame seeds, chopped coriander and spring onion.  Then turnip cake is ready to serve.  If you prefer it to be lightly fried, keep cake in the fridge overnight before cutting it into slices.

I hope you like it, please subscribe to my channel.

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Monday, 12 January 2015

★ 湯圓 一 簡單做法 ★ | Sweet Glutinous Rice Balls Easy Recipe

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兩磚半 (約200克) 片糖
半杯滾水 (用來沖入糯米粉內)
一杯涷水 (用來將糯米粉搓成團)


Glutinous rice flour 250 g
Cane sugar 2.5 blocks (200 g)
Boiling hot water 1/2cup
Cold water 1 cup
Ginger 2 large slices


將半杯滾水沖入糯米粉內及撈勻,令糯米粉變半熟和令做出來的湯圓有嚼勁。加少許涷水入粉團,搓粉時不能一次過加入所有水,要看看粉團的舔道。如果粉團搓長些時間, 湯圓會煙勒些。將約大姆指大的粉團用手掌心做成波子般大的湯圓。將弄好的湯圓用布蓋上,防止湯圓變乾有裂紋。準備一煲水,將所有湯圓放進煱子裏。當湯圓浮上水面時間,再放一碗涷水入煱子裏令湯圓熟透。不時用湯匙攪勻, 防止湯圓貼在鍋底。將熟透的湯圓放進一盆冷水過冷河 
令湯圓更加爽口。將兩片薑和四碗水放進鍋子裏加熱,再放入200克片糖。過一分鐘後,將湯圓從涷水𥚃取出,再放進煮好了糖水裏。當湯圓發大及浮起便煮透了。 薑汁湯圓便完成了。


Pour 1/2 cup of boiling hot water into the glutinous rice flour to half cook it, hot water can make the rice balls nice and chewy.  Mix it well before adding some cold water into the dough.  The amount of cold water needed depends on the consistency of the dough.  The rice balls will become more chewy if we knead the dough for longer.  With the dough the size of a thumb, use our palms to roll into marble-sized ball.  Use a tea towel to cover the rice balls to prevent them from getting dry.

Prepare a pot of hot water and put in all the rice balls.  Cook the rice balls until they float onto the surface of the water, then add 1 bowl of cold water into the pot in order to cook them thoroughly. Stir occasionally to stop rice balls sticking on the pot.  Sieve out all the cooked rice balls and place them into a bowl of cold water to stop them from cooking immediately, this process will make the rice balls more chewy.

Place 2 slices of ginger and 4 bowls of water into a pot, then place 200g of cane sugar into the pot. Boil until the sugar has melted.  After one minute, take out the rice balls from the bowl of cold water and place the rice balls back into the pot with ginger and sugar.  Let the rice balls boil until they float onto the surface again.  Glutinous rice balls with sweet ginger soup is now ready. Enjoy.
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Wednesday, 7 January 2015

★ 瑤柱扒豆苗 一 簡單做法 ★ | Braised Pea Shoot with Conpoy Easy Recipe

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四粒已發好的瑤柱 拆絲




1 pound of pea shoot
4 conpoy
1 egg white
1 tablespoon of chopped garlic
1 teaspoon of chopped ginger
dark soy sauce
cooking wine
oyster sauce
corn starch
chopped Chinese ham
ground pepper


炒香金華火腿粒,約半分鐘。 放入兩湯匙油,炒香薑粒及蒜蓉,再放入豆苗,用大火炒。加入少許糖可以除走草青味。當豆苗軟身後,在鑊邊灒一湯匙酒後搇蓋十秒,然後取出豆苗。再燒紅隻鑊,加一茶匙油,放入乾瑤柱,一湯匙蠔油,一杯浸過乾瑤柱的水。蓋上鍋蓋,煮三丶四分鐘將乾瑤柱煮至軟身。 之後,加3/4茶匙糖,用大火煮滾後收細火,蓋上鍋蓋, 煮三分鐘。加胡椒粉,用生粉水埋芡,較細火,加入發好的蛋白。加少許麻油後將瑤柱芡汁放上豆苗上。再將火腿粒撒在芡汁上,紹瑤柱蛋白扒豆苗便完成了。


Fry the chopped Chinese ham for 30 seconds then take out for later use.  Add 2 tablespoon of oil, fry the chopped ginger and garlic then add in the pea shoot.  Use high heat to cook the vegetables.  Add some sugar to remove the bitterness of the vegetables.  When the pea shoot has softened, pour 1 tablespoon of cooking wine around the periphery of the pan, before covering the pan with a lid for 10 seconds.  Afterwards take out the pea shoot.

Heat up the pan again, add 1 teaspoon of oil, then add in the conpoy, 1 tablespoon of oyster sauce, and a cup of water.  Place a lid over the pan and cook the conpoy for 3 to 4 minutes until the conpoy has softened.  Add 3/4 teaspoon of sugar, bring it to boil before turning the heat to low and cover the pan with a lid and let it cook.

After 3 minutes, add in some ground pepper, corn starch and water, turn heat to low, and add in the egg white while stirring the conpoy mixture.  Pour the mixture over the pea shoot and sprinkle some chopped Chinese ham on top of the dish. Enjoy.
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