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Ingredients (for 3 people):
3 strips of pickled cabbage, finely chopped
3 shiitake mushrooms
1 tbsp dried shrimps (rehydrated)
1clove of garlic, finely chopped
some finely chopped spring onion
150g shredded pork
1 tomato, sliced
300g Shanghai noodles
水滾後放麵入鍋子裡,煮四分鐘,熄火,搇蓋,焗八分鐘,將麵取出過冷河. 用一茶匙生抽,半茶匙糖,少許胡椒粉
少許生粉,半茶匙麻油,攪勻,將肉絲醃五分鐘. 燒熱鑊,加一茶匙油,放進冬菇,雪菜,蝦米,炒香. 加入蒜粒,爆香,再加入一公升清水,加入番茄一起煮,煮五分鐘. 將食材放入大鍋裏. 水滾後加入肉絲,將它煮熟. 將水面的泡沫撇除,放入已經出了水的麵,搇蓋煮滾. 試味,如果不夠味道可以加少許鹽, 吃前可以加上蔥花和麻油.
如喜歡的話,請訂閱我的頻道,看看我 Facebook,Instagram,謝謝.
Place the noodles in a pot of boiling water, and cook for 4 minutes. Then turn the heat off, cover with a lid for 8 minutes. Then take out the noodles and run them over a cold tap.
Marinate the shredded pork with 1tsp soy sauce, 1/2tsp sugar, some ground black pepper, some starch and 1/2 tsp of sesame oil. Marinate for 5 minutes.
Heat up the wok, and add 1tsp oil, then stir fry the shiitake mushrooms, pickled cabbage, rehydrated dried shrimp. Then add in chopped garlic, stir fry for a while before adding 1 litre of water and tomatoes. Cook for 5 minutes.
Place the ingredients into a big pot, add in the shredded pork when the water is boiling. Remove the froth on the surface, boil until the pork is thoroughly cooked.
Add in the cooked noodles, cover with lid and bring it to boil. Add in some seasoning, sesame oil and finely chopped spring onion.
I hope you like this dish, try it at home! Please subscribe to my channel, follow me on Facebook and Instagram. See you next time!
MamaCheung x
Follow @mamacheungcooks
Place the noodles in a pot of boiling water, and cook for 4 minutes. Then turn the heat off, cover with a lid for 8 minutes. Then take out the noodles and run them over a cold tap.
Marinate the shredded pork with 1tsp soy sauce, 1/2tsp sugar, some ground black pepper, some starch and 1/2 tsp of sesame oil. Marinate for 5 minutes.
Heat up the wok, and add 1tsp oil, then stir fry the shiitake mushrooms, pickled cabbage, rehydrated dried shrimp. Then add in chopped garlic, stir fry for a while before adding 1 litre of water and tomatoes. Cook for 5 minutes.
Place the ingredients into a big pot, add in the shredded pork when the water is boiling. Remove the froth on the surface, boil until the pork is thoroughly cooked.
Add in the cooked noodles, cover with lid and bring it to boil. Add in some seasoning, sesame oil and finely chopped spring onion.
I hope you like this dish, try it at home! Please subscribe to my channel, follow me on Facebook and Instagram. See you next time!
MamaCheung x