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三百克中筋麵粉 300g All purpose flour
一百一十克番薯泥 110g mashed purple sweet potato
二十五克砂糖 25g sugar
兩茶匙即溶酵母 2tsp fast action yeast
一茶匙半生油或椰子油 1.5tsp cooking oil (coconut oil)
二百克清水 200g water
三百克中筋麵粉 300g All purpose flour
一百一十克番薯泥 110g mashed purple sweet potato
二十五克砂糖 25g sugar
兩茶匙即溶酵母 2tsp fast action yeast
一茶匙半生油或椰子油 1.5tsp cooking oil (coconut oil)
二百克清水 200g water
將即溶酵母放入一百克清水,再放入一茶匙砂糖,幫助發酵. 用碟搇上,發酵十分鐘.
先將番薯泥放入一百克清水,攪溶. 放入酵母水,砂糖. 將麵粉放入大鍋子裡,一邊加入番薯泥漿,一邊用筷子攪勻.
當麵粉漿杰身便可以用手搓. 當麵粉成生麵團便可以加入生油, 令生麵團吸收所有生油便可以了, 搇蓋,生麵團鬆弛十分鐘. 之後,將生麵團取出,灑上麵粉,搓成條狀, 切成粒狀,每個大約二十克, 用蓋防止生麵團被風乾. 將生麵團搓圓後按扁成片狀,五片成一組. 最大的一片當作第一片花瓣, 疊上第二片, 蓋過第一片的一半,如此類推. 第五片當花心,要捲成筒狀, 長度跟其他花瓣一樣. 將花瓣捲起,包起花心. 用刀在中間切開成二, 這樣便成玫瑰花形狀, 將花瓣輕輕屈下, 包底輕輕撲上麵粉, 將玫瑰花包放在蒸籠內,搇蓋防止風乾. 包子要發二十至三十分鐘才開始蒸,包子發時不能動防止變形. 用自來水開始用中高火蒸,水滾後轉中火蒸十至十二分鐘, 中途不能打開蓋, 熄火後不能立即打開蓋,會令包子收縮不美. 熄了火等三分鐘《玫瑰花包》便完成了,多漂亮!
Slice the purple sweet potato, steam and mash, we need 110g of mashed sweet potato.
Place the fast action yeast in 100g of water, then add in 1tsp sugar to help the fermentation. Cover with lid and rest for 10minutes.
Add 110g of mashed sweet potato into 100g of water, mix well, then add in the yeast mix, sugar.
Place the flour into a big bowl, then add in the potato mixture and stir with chopsticks. When the flour mixture thickens, use your hands to knead the mixture to form a dough. Then add in the oil, and let it absorb into the dough. Cover with a lid and let it rest for 10minutes.
Take out the dough, sprinkle some flour over the worktop and start rolling into a sausage shape. Slice into 20g dices.
Roll the dice into a ball and flatten into a disc. We need 5 discs to make a mantou. The first disc should have the longest diameter, followed by the second disc and so on. Place the second disc over half of the first disc, the third disc over half of the second disc, and the fourth disc over half of the third disc. Roll up the fifth disc into a tube and ensure its length is the same as the diameter of the other discs. Then roll the other disc over the tube.
Slice the middle to form 2 buns. Gently fold over the discs a little to form petals. Place the buns directly into the steamer and cover with a lid.
The buns need to be rested for another 20-30 minutes before steaming, do not touch the buns until they are cooked.
Use cool water to start steaming the buns using medium high heat, when the water starts to boil, turn to medium heat and steam for 10-12 minutes. Do not open the lid while steaming.
Turn the heat off after 10-12 minutes and let it rest for 3 minutes before opening the lid.
Rose buns are ready to be served.
Please try this recipe at home, subscribe to my page and channel! Thanks.

It's very lovely! I want to know if I can still make it without purple potatoes?
ReplyDeleteHi Kitty. I can still make it without purple potatoes. The purple potatoes give the buns their colour. Thanks for your comment.
DeleteCan I make it with whole wheat flour? If so, what needs to be changed?