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一百五十克藍薑, 切片拍鬆
三個魚袋 (是用來放香料和鴨內臟的)
五十克老薑 (切片拍鬆)
2.4kg Duck
Duck liver and kidneys
150g galangal, sliced
1 slice of dried orange peel
3 muslin bags (for putting in herbs and duck internal organs)
2 bulbs of garlic
50g ginger, sliced
2.4kg Duck
Duck liver and kidneys
150g galangal, sliced
1 slice of dried orange peel
3 muslin bags (for putting in herbs and duck internal organs)
2 bulbs of garlic
50g ginger, sliced
100g shallots, sliced
8 star anise
1 tbsp fennel seeds
1/2 tbsp black pepper
1 tbsp coriander seeds
1 tbsp cinnamon powder
1 tbsp table salt
2 tsp chicken powder
2700ml water
300ml dark soy sauce
400ml soy sauce
8 star anise
1 tbsp fennel seeds
1/2 tbsp black pepper
1 tbsp coriander seeds
1 tbsp cinnamon powder
1 tbsp table salt
2 tsp chicken powder
2700ml water
300ml dark soy sauce
400ml soy sauce
鴨在街市買回家後要清洗脫毛, 用一湯匙鹽搽勻鴨身及鴨腔醃一晚. 燒定一鍋水, 水滾後將鴨放入鍋出水, 慢慢將它放入, 將它的血水及騷味取出, 將它反轉, 不要搇蓋, 否則會導致滾瀉. 將它再次反轉, 很多血水及油已出了來, 將水倒走後, 將鴨用清水清洗.
將香料放入袋裏, 粉類放入密身的袋, 防止粉類漏出. 將蒜頭戒開或拍鬆, 令它更出味. 將蒜頭, 紅蔥頭, 薑片,果皮, 八角, 粉料,藍薑全部放入大袋內, 綁緊袋口, 之後放入鍋裡. 將鴨肝和鴨腎放入袋, 一會兒取出會方便些. 將鹵水料放入鍋子, 煲滾二十分鐘後才鹵鴨. 加入老抽, 生抽,雞粉, 鹽, 攪勻後, 將鴨放入鍋子裡. 鴨要全身浸入鹵水. 我的鍋直徑十吋半,六吋深, 如果鍋子大些的話, 便要加多些水和鹽. 放入頸及內臟一齊鹵,內臟五分鐘後要取出. 鴨肝和鴨腎不能煮太久, 否則會變得嚡烚烚. 用大火煮, 搇蓋, 五分鐘後, 將內臟取出. 用碟將鴨壓下,搇蓋, 用最細的爐頭, 最細的火煮一小時浸熟隻鴨, 一小時後熄火,焗四小時, 最後一小時放入肝和腎浸熟. 經過四小時浸鹵後,食材可以取出. 將鹵水盤上的油搽上鴨, 等它光澤些.
除了用鹵水汁點鴨之外, 還可以點酸醋汁. 酸醋汁是用一粒切碎的蒜頭,少許辣椒碎撈勻, 一湯匙糖, 一湯匙白醋,
用膠湯匙攪勻. 用酸醋汁點鹵水鴨是很美味的.
Wash the duck well and plug out all the feathers. Use 1 tbsp of salt to rub over the duck and its cavity, leave overnight. Use a big wok and blanch the duck with water, this will get rid of some of the fat and gamey smell. Afterwards, rinse the duck under a cold tap.
Place all the seeds and powder into a muslin bag, make sure it is tightly closed in case the powder leaks out and ruin the stock. Score the garlic to release its flavour. Put the garlic, shallots, ginger, orange peel, star anise, the muslin bag with powder, and galangal into the bigger muslin bag. tie the bag well, then place it in a pot of water. Place the duck liver and kidney into another muslin bag, this will allow us to take them out easily.
Place the muslin bags into the pot, boil for 20 minutes. Add dark soy sauce, soy sauce, chicken powder, salt, and mix well. After 20 minutes, immerse the whole duck in the stock, and place the neck and internal organs into the stock too. Use high heat and cover with a lid. After 5 minutes, take out the internal organs, and turn to heat to very low and continue cooking the duck for another one hour.
Use the oil from the stock to coat the duck to give the duck a shine.
For dipping sauce, you can use the stock or make a hot and sour sauce. Use a plastic spoon to mix together 1 clove of finely chopped garlic, some finely chopped chilli, 1 tbsp of white sugar and 1 tbsp of white vinegar.
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