Hello. This recipe is for everyone who owns a rice cooker and wishes to bake a cake without an oven. It is simple to make and the cake is very fluffy and soft, I hope you like it!
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100g plain flour, 1/2tsp baking powder, sieve twice over
3 eggs
70g sugar
1.5tbsp melted unsalted butter
1/2tsp vanilla essence
1 rice cooker
1 baking sheet
首先將蛋黃和蛋白分開 ,先發蛋白,打散蛋清,打三十秒. 分開三次加入砂糖,加完第一次砂糖後,打發多一分半鐘
加入第二次砂糖, 打發多一分鐘左右後,加入第三次砂糖. 總共打發三至四分鐘. 當蛋白能夠發起便可以了. 蛋黃可以一隻一隻加入,打發至混勻. 將粉篩入蛋漿,用膠刮攪勻, 一邊加入粉,一邊加入香精和牛油溶液,將所有材料輕輕攪勻, 蛋糕更鬆軟. 麵糊準備好了,將它倒進鋪了焗爐紙的電鍋內膽. 將電鍋內膽輕輕撞擊桌面,釋放麵糊內的大氣泡
放入電鍋. 按下電鍋制開始煮,當電鍋熄火,焗多三十五分鐘才打開蓋. 將竹籤拮入蛋糕,如果竹籤沒有黏上麵糊便知道蛋糕已經熟透了. 看見蛋糕已經離開電鍋邊,將碟蓋在電鍋上, 將電鍋反轉,蛋糕便很順利離開電鍋,跌落碟子上. 一陣陣蛋香味,焗爐紙防止蛋糕黏在電鍋,將焗爐紙撕離蛋糕,電鍋焗蛋糕完成了.
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MamaCheung x
Separate the egg white from egg yolk. Whisk the egg white first for 30 seconds. Add in 1/3 of the sugar, whisk for 90 seconds before adding in the second third, whisk for about 60 seconds before adding in the final 1/3 of the sugar. Whisk for 3-4 minutes altogether, until the egg white is set.
Then add in the egg yolk one at a time while whisking, whisk until it is thoroughly mixed.
Now sieve in the powder mix into the egg mixture, use a plastic spatula to gently mix together the ingredients, adding some vanilla essence and melted butter slowly. Do not mix the ingredients too hard.
Place a piece of baking sheet on the bottom of the rice cooker before pouring the mixture into it, gently tap it to let any air bubbles to escape. Close the lid and switch the rice cooker on.
When the rice cooker switches itself from "cooking" to "keep warm" function, wait for another 35 minutes before opening the lid. Use a bamboo stick to pierce the centre of the cake to ensure it is thoroughly cooked. If there is no dough stuck on the stick, this means the cake is now ready.
Place a plate over the rice cooker and tip the rice cooker upside down, the cake will land onto the plate successfully. Remove the baking sheet on the cake, "Rice cooker cake" is now ready to be served.
You can serve with some whipped cream, jam or fresh fruits, or sprinkle some icing sugar on top. Enjoy!
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MamaCheung x
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