Wednesday, 30 March 2016

★杏仁茶 一 簡單做法 ★ | Homemade Almond Milk Chinese Dessert Easy Recipe

Click to watch:

一百二十克南北杏 120g Chinese Almonds
二十五克粘米 25g jasmine rice
六十克冰糖 60g rock sugar
一隻蛋清 1 egg white
六百毫升浸過南北杏和粘米的水 600ml water
一個布袋用來隔渣 1 muslin bag

將南北杏和粘米用清水浸過一夜,然後與六百毫升 水放入攪拌機內
上蓋,用低速打兩分鐘,再用高速打兩分鐘. 開蓋,試試夠不夠幼滑, 倒入布袋隔渣,搾出杏汁, 再放入冰糖便可以煮了. 煮滾後轉微火煮多一分鐘. 冰糖溶了,現在試試甜道. 將一湯匙食水放入蛋清,攪發勻, 放進杏仁茶裡,不停攪拌,之後熄火. 蛋白杏仁茶便完成了.

暖暖的杏仁茶很窩心, 很香甜,蛋白很滑.希望大家喜歡這個食譜,請給我一個讚, 訂閱我的頻道,關注我的Facebook 和 Instagram, 謝謝,下次見!
Instagram Visit Mama's profile on Pinterest.

Tuesday, 22 March 2016

★ 番茄炒蛋 一 簡單做法 ★ | Scrambled Eggs with Tomatoes Easy Recipe

Hello. I am making a simple but delicious dish called "Scrambled eggs with tomatoes", a popular Chinese dish served with rice. 
Click to watch:

四隻雞蛋 4 eggs
四百克番茄 ,切件 400g tomatoes, sliced
七十克洋蔥,切條 70g onion, sliced

雞蛋調味料/Condiments for eggs:
半茶匙鹽 1/2tsp table salt
少許胡椒粉 some ground pepper powder
四分一茶匙生粉加一湯匙清水 1/4tso starch in 1tbsp water

三湯匙番茄醬 3tbsp tomato ketchup
兩茶匙砂糖 2tsp sugar
一茶匙生粉加一湯匙清水用來勾茨 1tsp starch in 1tbsp water to thicken the sauce
半茶匙雞粉 1/2tsp chicken powder
適量青葱 some chopped spring onion
一百毫升清水 100ml water
一茶匙番茄膏 1tsp tomato puree

將幼鹽,胡椒粉,生粉水加入雞蛋,打發勻,令雞蛋香滑些. 燒熱鍋,加一湯匙生油,用中火炒鷄蛋, 炒至七成熟,取出備用. 燒熱鍋,加兩茶匙生油,放入洋蔥, 將洋蔥炒至金黃色之後,加入一茶匙番茄膏, 炒香番茄膏之後加入番茄炒.
加入砂糖,幼鹽,番茄醬,清水,上蓋. 煮一分鐘後,開蓋,放入雞蛋,炒勻, 勾茨. 加入雞粉,炒勻,灑上青蔥花,攪勻,上碟, 再灑上青蔥花,『番茄炒蛋』便完成了.

Crack open the eggs into a bowl and add the condiments for eggs before whisking. 
Heat up the wok, add 1tbsp oil, use medium heat to cook the scrambled egg until 70% cooked, then take out.
Heat up the wok, add 2tsp oil, stir fry the onion until golden brown, then add in tomato puree, then tomatoes. Add some sugar, salt, tomato ketchup, water, then place lid on.  Cook for a minute then remove the lid and place in the scrambed egg, stir well, then add in the starch water to thicken the sauce, then chicken powder and chopped spring onion, mix well before plating.  Finally sprinkle some chopped spring onion onto the dish. Srambled egg with tomatoes is then ready!

雞蛋很嫩滑,番茄很鮮甜,很美味,請試試做啊! 如果你們喜歡的話,請給我一個讚和訂閱我的頻道MamaCheung, 關注我的Instagram和Facebook:MamaCheungCooks. 謝謝收看,下次見!

The eggs are silky smooth and the tomatoes are juicy, great with rice. Please give it a try.  Remember to subscribe to my channel for new recipes. Please follow me on Facebook and Instagram: MamaCheungCooks.
See you next time.
Instagram Visit Mama's profile on Pinterest.

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

★ XO醬 一 簡單做法 ★ | Chinese XO Sauce Easy Recipe

Click to watch:

八十克乾瑤柱 80g Conpoy
兩湯匙玫瑰露酒 2tbsp Chinese rose wine
一百四十克蒜頭碎 140g chopped garlic
一百四十克紅蔥頭粒 140g chopped shallots
四十克指天椒粒 40g chili
十五克辣椒乾碎,去籽 15g dried chili, chopped and deseed
三十克蝦米粒 30g chopped dried shrimps
三十克金華火腿粒 30g Chinese ham
兩湯匙魚露 2tbsp fish sauce
兩湯匙雞粉 2tbsp chicken powder
一茶匙黑椒碎 1tsp ground pepper
一茶匙幼鹽 1tsp salt
一湯匙砂糖 1tbsp sugar
六百毫升生油 600g cooking oil

乾瑤柱清潔後用清水浸過面,蒸半小時. 然後榨乾水,加入兩湯匙玫瑰露酒醃.
將生油煮至一百五十度。可以用木筷子試試油溫,如果筷子旁有氣泡便可以了. 放入紅葱頭碎,炸至金黃色,再放入蒜頭碎. 蒜頭碎炸至金黃色便可以取出. 等油溫降至八十度左右,便放入預先用水浸了的辣椒乾,用微火炸三分鐘. 油便漸漸變紅色。將火轉至中火,放入蝦米粒,金華火腿粒,乾瑤柱絲,爆香. 放入辣椒粒,炒五至十分鐘,炒乾水份
加入胡椒粒,幼鹽,炸了的蒜頭紅葱頭碎. 將火轉至微火, 入魚露,砂糖. 最後熄火,加入雞粉,攪勻. 煮好先要待涼才放進玻璃樽。『XO醬』完成了,醬油的顏色與XO干邑白蘭地相似,很漂亮.

如果你們喜歡的話,請給我一個讚和訂閱我的Blog和 YouTube頻道MamaCheung, 關注我的Instagram和Facebook:MamaCheungCooks.
Instagram Visit Mama's profile on Pinterest.

Tuesday, 8 March 2016

★ 葡汁焗四蔬 一 簡單做法 ★ | Vegetables in Coconut Curry Sauce Easy Recipe

Click to watch:

二百克西蘭花 200g broccoli 
二百克椰菜花 200g cauliflower
二百克茄子 200g aubergine
一百六十克甘筍條 160g carrots
百五十毫升清雞湯 150ml chicken stock
一百四十毫升椰奶 140ml coconut milk
一百毫升牛乳 100ml milk
兩片起司 2 slices of cheese

調味料/ Condiments:
一茶匙砂糖 1.5tsp sugar
四分一茶匙幼鹽 1/4tsp salt
兩湯匙低筋麵粉 2tbsp plain powder
茶匙幼鹽 1/2tsp salt  to cook the vegetables
茶匙砂糖用來烚菜 1tsp sugar to cook the vegetables
茶匙黃薑粉 1tsp tumeric powder
茶匙咖哩粉 2tsp curry powder 
三十克無鹽奶油 30g unsalted butter

燒熱半鍋清水,放入幼鹽和砂糖。先放入淺色的蔬菜. 放入椰菜花。煮了三分鐘取出備用. 放入茄子,煮了九十秒取出備用. 放入西蘭花,煮了三分鐘取出過冷河,令顏色穩定. 放入甘筍條,煮了三分鐘取出備用. 將蔬菜上碟. 用中微火炒香麵粉,炒至赤色。熄火,放入咖喱粉,黃薑粉,無鹽奶油。將奶油煮溶. 將雞湯慢慢加入,攪勻,令醬汁滑些
加入牛乳,椰奶。醬汁不要太稀. 開火,放入半茶匙砂糖,半茶匙幼鹽。試味. 將葡汁淋在蔬菜上, 將起司放在蔬菜上
將烤箱預熱至二百二十度,將蔬菜焗十五至二十分鐘,令起司溶化. 『葡汁焗四蔬』完成了。
Instagram Visit Mama's profile on Pinterest.