Wednesday, 31 December 2014

★ 印尼粟米餅 一 簡單做法 ★ | Dadar Jagung Easy Recipe

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Happy new year.  Last video of 2014.  Wishing everyone a joyous, healthy and prosperous new year. See you in 2015!

甜粟米 3條
葱 3條
紅葱頭 2粒
蒜頭 4粒
雞蛋 1隻
麵粉 4湯匙
胡椒粉 半茶匙
雞粉 半茶匙
鹽 半茶匙

3 sweetcorn
3 spring onion
2 shallots
4 cloves of garlic
1 egg
4 tablespoon of plain flour
1/2 teaspoon of ground pepper
1/2 teaspoon of chicken powder
1/2 teaspoon of salt

首先將紅蔥頭丶蒜頭及葱切粒。將三條粟米的粟米肉切出,用攪拌機打蓉粟米, 將粟米蓉放進碗裡備用。用一湯匙生油爆香紅䈡頭丶蒜頭,之後放入粟米蓉。再加入半茶匙鹽,半茶匙雞粉,半茶匙胡椒粉,攪匀再加入4湯匙麵粉後再攪匀。 最後加入葱粒及一隻蛋攪勻。將生油放進煱裹,油温180度左右,可以用木筷子試試油溫。如木筷子周邊起泡泡便可以了。用湯匙將粟米粉漿一匙一匙放進熱油裹.,炸至兩邊都金黃色。最後用大火迫出油後將粟米餅取出,放在廚房紙吸出多餘的油。放上碟,印尼粟米餅便完成了。

Chop up shallots, garlic and spring onion. Remove the corn kernel from the cob, and place them into a blender to make a paste.  Use 1 tablespoon of oil to fry the chopped shallot and garlic, then place them into the corn paste.  Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 1/2 teaspoon of chicken powder and 1/2 teaspoon of ground pepper into the mixture, then add 4 tablespoon of plain flour, mix them well. Finally mix in the chopped spring onion and an egg and the batter is now ready for frying.  

Heat up the oil in the pan to 180'C. You can use a chopstick to test the temperature of the oil, the oil is ready if bubbles form around a chopstick.  Use a metal spoon to scoop up a large tablespoon of batter and place it into the oil.  Cook the fritter until both sides are golden.  Place the fritters on a paper towel to remove excess oil before serving. Dad Jagung or Sweetcorn and spring onion fritters are ready to serve. Enjoy.
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Saturday, 27 December 2014

★ 紅燒魚 一 簡單做法 ★ | Braised Fish Easy Recipe

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鯇魚 一斤 
豆腐 三件 切到半寸厚一件
發好嘅冬菇 四隻 切到一開二
洋蔥 1/4個 切件
紅椒 1/4個 切件
蒜頭六粒 切片 
紅蔥頭 四粒切片

唐芹 適量
蔥 適量
芫茜 適量


然後將兩茶匙的生粉蓋在魚上,等魚在煎時會硬身些 同時,魚不會容易散。鑊燒紅後,,放兩湯匙油,再將魚放上鑊內,魚皮向下。 煎到魚身硬了,再翻到另外一面,煎到全部金黃色,取出備用。鑊燒紅後,放兩茶匙油,再放冬菇片,洋蔥片爆炒半分鐘,取出備用。再放兩茶匙油來爆炒料頭。爆香薑片:魚要多些薑片去腥。再加入紅蔥頭,,蒜片爆炒等香味出來。如喜歡吃辣些,可以放隻辣椒落去。現在放進紅椒及唐芹一起爆炒半分鐘,然後取起備用。將魚再放進鑊內,之後加入紅燒汁。紅燒汁有兩茶匙生抽,一茶匙老抽,兩茶匙糖,一碗水。加入冬菇片,豆腐片一起煮。在鑊邊灒一湯匙酒,等餸菜香些。放上蓋,煮兩分鐘。之後,放入料頭,不能用力炒它。用一茶匙生粉,兩湯匙水來埋芡。現在放上芫荽及葱,少少芫荽留來裝飾。加入麻油, 增加香味。紅燒魚就煮好了。

1 catty (600 grams) of grass carp
3 blocks of tofu, cut into slices, 1/2 inch thick
Shitake mushrooms, cut in halves
1/2 Sliced onion 
1/2 Sliced red bell pepper
6 cloves of sliced garlic
10 slices of ginger
4 shallots, sliced
Chinese celery
Spring onion
Chinese coriander 

Corn flour
Light soy sauce
Dark soy sauce
Chicken stock

Use 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, 1/2 teaspoon of ground pepper and 2 tablespoon of wine to marinade the fish, marinade for half an hour.               

Use 2 tablespoon of corn flour to cover the fish. This will make the fish easier to fry, and the fish will not break apart too easily.  Pour 2 tablespoon of oil into the hot pan.  Place the fish on the pan for frying, the fish skin side down. Fry the fish until all the sides become golden and then place them onto a plate for later.

Heat up the wok and place 2 tablespoon of oil.  Add in the mushrooms, sliced onion and fry for 30 seconds. Then remove them from the wok.  Then add 2 tablespoon of oil into the wok, and fry the ginger, garlic and shallot.  We use more ginger for this fish dish.  Then put in the shallots and sliced garlic.  This is to bring out the flavours.  You can put some chilli if you like it spicy.  Add the sliced bell peppers and Chinese celery into the pan and fry for 30 seconds, then remove them from the wok.  Place the fish back into the wok, then pour the sauce into the wok. 

The sauce is made using 2 teaspoon of light soy sauce; 1 teaspoon of dark soy sauce; 2 teaspoon of sugar and 1 bowl of water.  Now place the mushroom and tofu into the wok, and place 1 tablespoon of wine around the wok.  Cover the wok with a lid and cook for 2 minutes.  After 2 minutes, place the rest of the cooked ingredients into the wok.  Remember not to stir too hard, as the fish is delicate and can break.  Then, mix 1 teaspoon of corn flour in a bowl of 2 tablespoon of water. Pour in the mixture to thicken the sauce.  Now place the spring onion and Chinese coriander into the wok. Leave some spring onion later for decoration.  Drizzle some sesame oil into the wok to bring out the flavour.   The dish is then ready to serve.
Instagram Visit Mama's profile on Pinterest.

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

★ 花膠瑤柱燴時蔬 一 簡單做法 ★ | Braised Fish Maw with Seasonal Vegetables Easy Recipe

浸發好的花膠 250克 
浸發好的瑤柱 兩粒
蜜糖豆除去頭尾 200g 
金華火煺 四片 
蒜頭 六粒 
紅蔥頭 兩粒 
雞湯 兩杯
蠔油  一湯匙
胡椒粉 少許 
老抽 少許
糖 少許
生粉  一茶匙

花膠要處理: 用熱水浸四小時, 將啡色邊洗走 四小時後, 花膠變至白色,然後出水將薑片, 紅蔥頭放入熱水煮四分鐘 熄火後放入花膠, 浸至水溫變暖, 取出花膠切片備用用兩湯匙油炸香蒜頭備用  炒香蜜糖豆備用放入薑片, 紅蔥頭, 金華火煺片, 瑤柱, 再放進花膠,  一湯匙酒, 放進雞湯, 蠔油, 半茶匙糖, 少許胡椒粉調 加入已炸過的蒜頭, 放上蓋煮十五分鐘後熄火焗五分鐘 再開火將蓋拿走加少許老抽上色  燴入蜜糖豆, 炒半分鐘 用一茶匙生粉, 兩湯匙水來埋獻汁,  最後加少許麻油便完成

250g rehydrated fish maw 
2 rehydrated conpoy
200g sugar snap peas
4 slices of Chinese ham
6 cloves of garlic
2 shallots
4 slices of ginger
2 cups of chicken stock
1 tablespoon of oyster sauce
some ground pepper
1 tablespoon of wine
a dash of dark soy sauce
a sprinkle of sugar
1 teaspoon of corn starch.

Firstly, I have to prepare the fish maw. To do this, I have to immerse the dried fish maw in hot water for 4 hours, then remove the brown lines.  After 4 hours, the mouth maw will turn into a white colour, and it is put into a pot of hot water which has been boiled with slices of ginger and shallots.  Leave the fish maw in the water until the water cools off, then take out the fish maw and cut it into slices.

Use 2 tablespoon of oil to deep fry the cloves of garlic and leave them aside for later.  Then stir fry the sugar snaps and leave them aside.  Fry the ginger, shallots, Chinese ham, conpoy with garlic oil, then place the slices of fish maw into the pan, and add a tablespoon of wine, chicken stock, oyster sauce, 1/2 teaspoon of sugar and some ground pepper for seasoning.  Then add in the fried garlic, and placed the lid onto the pot and cook for 15 minutes.  Afterwards turn the heat off and let the dish rest for 5 minutes before heating the pan up again. Remove the lid from the pan and add some dark soy sauce to give it some colour.  Add in the sugar snap peas, and cook for another 1/2 minute.  Add a teaspoon of corn starch, 2 tablespoon of water to thicken the sauce.  Finally add a drizzle of sesame oil and the dish is ready!
Instagram Visit Mama's profile on Pinterest.

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

★醋溜土豆絲 一 簡單做法 ★ | Stir-fry Potato Strips Easy Recipe

張媽媽小炒系列: 醋溜土豆絲, 即是薯仔絲, 爽脆香甜,很容易做的餸菜, 啱囇大人細路. 
MamaCheung's stir fry potato strips, a healthier dish than French fries but just as tasty!

Click to watch:


薯仔 (土豆) 一個 
肉絲 200克 
西芹 一棵, 切絲
青椒 一個, 
紅椒 一個, 


One potato, 200g pork strips, 1 sliced celery, 1 sliced green bell pepper, 1 sliced red bell pepper, chopped garlic, chopped shallots

調味料: 鎮江醋, 雞粉, 蒜蓉辣椒醬, 生抽, 生粉, 胡椒粉, 糖, 鹽, 麻油


Chinkiang vinegar, chicken powder, garlic chilli sauce, light soy sauce, corn flour, ground pepper, sugar, salt, sesame oil


薯仔洗乾淨, 批皮, 切完薄片之後切絲, 然後將土豆絲放進鹽水裡. 半小時後,將土豆絲拿出沖水,把外層澱粉沖洗走, 備用. 用生抽,生粉,胡椒粉,糖,少少鹽,少少麻油醃肉絲半小時.  燒紅隻鑊, 放一湯匙生油,炒香蒜蓉,紅蔥頭,再加肉絲,煎熟至金黃色,備用. 燒紅隻鑊, 放一茶匙生油,用半分鐘時間炒香西芹絲,青紅椒絲及蒜蓉,然後加入一湯匙蒜蓉辣椒醬,半茶匙五香粉, 再放入土豆絲炒多半分鐘. 最後加入肉絲,一湯匙醋,一茶匙糖, 1/4 茶匙雞粉和一茶匙麻油. 混合所有食材至熟透便完成了. 記得試試啊.


Wash and peel the potato, and cut it into slices before cutting them into strips. Place the potato strips in brine for half an hour, then wash them under the tap to wash away the starch. 

Use light soy sauce, corn starch, ground pepper, sugar, salt and sesame oil to marinade the pork strips for half an hour.

Heat up the wok, place 1 teaspoon of oil, and stir fry the chopped garlic shallots with pork strips until the pork turns golden brown and fully cooked.  Leave the pork aside for later.

Now stir fry the sliced celery, chopped garlic and bell peppers for half a minute, then add a tablespoon of garlic chilli sauce, half a teaspoon of five spice powder, then add the potato strips into the work and fry for another 30 seconds.

Finally add in the pork strips, 1 tablespoon of vinegar, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1/4 teaspoon of chicken stock and 1 teaspoon of sesame.  Stir fry and mix the ingredients together until they are cooked. Give it a try! Enjoy!

Instagram Visit Mama's profile on Pinterest.

Thursday, 11 December 2014

★ 海參瑤柱炆冬菇 一 簡單做法 ★ | Braised Sea Cucumber Easy Recipe

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大家好, 冬至快到,今天張媽媽煮了一道菜:海參瑤柱炆冬菇, 想與各位分享。

Hi Everyone, today Mamacheung is making braised sea cucumber with conpoy and mushrooms.


海參 一斤, 花菇 八隻, 瑤柱 四粒, 紅蘿蔔 切花, 薑 四片, 蒜頭, 紅蔥頭, 生油, 

1 catty of sea cucumber, 8 Chinese mushrooms, 4 conpoy, carrot, 4 slices of ginger, garlic, shallots, oil and water


雞粉, 生抽, 麻油, 蠔油, 生粉, 紹興酒, 老抽, 胡椒粉, 糖

Chicken powder, light soy sauce, sesame oil, oyster sauce, corn starch, Shao Hsing wine, dark soy sauce, ground pepper, and sugar


海參, 花菇, 瑤柱用清水浸淋發大。海參要清理用兩湯匙油炒香薑片, 蒜頭, 紅蔥頭, 然後放入花菇炒約兩分 用一茶匙糖, 兩茶匙生抽, 一茶匙老抽, 一湯紹興酒調味, 之後放入瑤柱及浸過冬菇的水, 用大火煮滾後放上煱蓋炆45分鐘 當炆花菇時, 再用另一個煱放入兩湯匙油炒香薑片, 蒜頭, 紅蔥頭,然後放入海參炒一兩分鐘一茶匙糖, 兩湯匙蠔油, 少許胡椒粉調味, 再炒多半分鐘, 加一湯紹興酒, 再放進炆冬菇的煱子裡 加兩碗滾水蓋過花菇海參, 炆多二十分鐘上碟前, 放入紅蘿蔔花煮多一分鐘, 用一茶匙生粉和一湯匙水做獻汁,加入食材 最後加一茶匙麻油便大功告成! Enjoy!

Rehydrate the sea cucumber, dried conpoy and mushrooms in water. Clean the sea cucumber well. Heat the pot up and add 2 tablespoon of oil to stir fry the ginger, garlic and shallot, then add in the mushrooms. Add in 1 teaspoon of sugar, 2 teaspoon of light soy sauce, 1 teaspoon of dark soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of Shao Hsing wine, conpoy and water into the wok. Turn the heat up to high, when the water is boiled, cover the pot with a lid and braise for another 45 minutes.  

When the mushrooms are cooking, use another pan to prepare the sea cucumber. Firstly, heat up the pan and add 2 tablespoon of oil, stir fry the ginger, garlic and shallot before adding in the sea cucumber.  Stir fry for 1 to 2 minutes, then add 1 teaspoon of sugar, 2 tablespoon of oyster sauce, some ground pepper and stir fry for another 30 seconds.  Afterwards, we add in 1 tablespoon of Shao Hsing wine, before pouring the sea cucumber into the pot of mushrooms.  

Fill the pot with water just enough to cover the mushrooms and sea cucumber, and braise for another 20 minutes.  After 20 minutes, add in the slices of carrot and let it cook for 1 minute, before 1 teaspoon of starch mixed with 1 tablespoon of water is poured in to thicken the sauce.  Finally, add 1 teaspoon of sesame oil and the dish is ready. Enjoy!

此食譜已獲教育出版公司Twinkl( )轉載於 "虎年行大運!不止年糕、瓜子 各地新年活動、美食綜合介紹 手把手食譜包你學會" ( )文章。

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