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Happy new year. Last video of 2014. Wishing everyone a joyous, healthy and prosperous new year. See you in 2015!
Happy new year. Last video of 2014. Wishing everyone a joyous, healthy and prosperous new year. See you in 2015!
甜粟米 3條
葱 3條
紅葱頭 2粒
蒜頭 4粒
雞蛋 1隻
麵粉 4湯匙
胡椒粉 半茶匙
雞粉 半茶匙
鹽 半茶匙
3 sweetcorn
3 spring onion
2 shallots
4 cloves of garlic
1 egg
4 tablespoon of plain flour
1/2 teaspoon of ground pepper
1/2 teaspoon of chicken powder
1/2 teaspoon of salt
首先將紅蔥頭丶蒜頭及葱切粒。將三條粟米的粟米肉切出,用攪拌機打蓉粟米, 將粟米蓉放進碗裡備用。用一湯匙生油爆香紅䈡頭丶蒜頭,之後放入粟米蓉。再加入半茶匙鹽,半茶匙雞粉,半茶匙胡椒粉,攪匀再加入4湯匙麵粉後再攪匀。 最後加入葱粒及一隻蛋攪勻。將生油放進煱裹,油温180度左右,可以用木筷子試試油溫。如木筷子周邊起泡泡便可以了。用湯匙將粟米粉漿一匙一匙放進熱油裹.,炸至兩邊都金黃色。最後用大火迫出油後將粟米餅取出,放在廚房紙吸出多餘的油。放上碟,印尼粟米餅便完成了。
Chop up shallots, garlic and spring onion. Remove the corn kernel from the cob, and place them into a blender to make a paste. Use 1 tablespoon of oil to fry the chopped shallot and garlic, then place them into the corn paste. Sprinkle 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 1/2 teaspoon of chicken powder and 1/2 teaspoon of ground pepper into the mixture, then add 4 tablespoon of plain flour, mix them well. Finally mix in the chopped spring onion and an egg and the batter is now ready for frying.
Heat up the oil in the pan to 180'C. You can use a chopstick to test the temperature of the oil, the oil is ready if bubbles form around a chopstick. Use a metal spoon to scoop up a large tablespoon of batter and place it into the oil. Cook the fritter until both sides are golden. Place the fritters on a paper towel to remove excess oil before serving. Dad Jagung or Sweetcorn and spring onion fritters are ready to serve. Enjoy.
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