Tuesday 16 December 2014

★醋溜土豆絲 一 簡單做法 ★ | Stir-fry Potato Strips Easy Recipe

張媽媽小炒系列: 醋溜土豆絲, 即是薯仔絲, 爽脆香甜,很容易做的餸菜, 啱囇大人細路. 
MamaCheung's stir fry potato strips, a healthier dish than French fries but just as tasty!

Click to watch:


薯仔 (土豆) 一個 
肉絲 200克 
西芹 一棵, 切絲
青椒 一個, 
紅椒 一個, 


One potato, 200g pork strips, 1 sliced celery, 1 sliced green bell pepper, 1 sliced red bell pepper, chopped garlic, chopped shallots

調味料: 鎮江醋, 雞粉, 蒜蓉辣椒醬, 生抽, 生粉, 胡椒粉, 糖, 鹽, 麻油


Chinkiang vinegar, chicken powder, garlic chilli sauce, light soy sauce, corn flour, ground pepper, sugar, salt, sesame oil


薯仔洗乾淨, 批皮, 切完薄片之後切絲, 然後將土豆絲放進鹽水裡. 半小時後,將土豆絲拿出沖水,把外層澱粉沖洗走, 備用. 用生抽,生粉,胡椒粉,糖,少少鹽,少少麻油醃肉絲半小時.  燒紅隻鑊, 放一湯匙生油,炒香蒜蓉,紅蔥頭,再加肉絲,煎熟至金黃色,備用. 燒紅隻鑊, 放一茶匙生油,用半分鐘時間炒香西芹絲,青紅椒絲及蒜蓉,然後加入一湯匙蒜蓉辣椒醬,半茶匙五香粉, 再放入土豆絲炒多半分鐘. 最後加入肉絲,一湯匙醋,一茶匙糖, 1/4 茶匙雞粉和一茶匙麻油. 混合所有食材至熟透便完成了. 記得試試啊.


Wash and peel the potato, and cut it into slices before cutting them into strips. Place the potato strips in brine for half an hour, then wash them under the tap to wash away the starch. 

Use light soy sauce, corn starch, ground pepper, sugar, salt and sesame oil to marinade the pork strips for half an hour.

Heat up the wok, place 1 teaspoon of oil, and stir fry the chopped garlic shallots with pork strips until the pork turns golden brown and fully cooked.  Leave the pork aside for later.

Now stir fry the sliced celery, chopped garlic and bell peppers for half a minute, then add a tablespoon of garlic chilli sauce, half a teaspoon of five spice powder, then add the potato strips into the work and fry for another 30 seconds.

Finally add in the pork strips, 1 tablespoon of vinegar, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1/4 teaspoon of chicken stock and 1 teaspoon of sesame.  Stir fry and mix the ingredients together until they are cooked. Give it a try! Enjoy!

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