Tuesday 23 December 2014

★ 花膠瑤柱燴時蔬 一 簡單做法 ★ | Braised Fish Maw with Seasonal Vegetables Easy Recipe

浸發好的花膠 250克 
浸發好的瑤柱 兩粒
蜜糖豆除去頭尾 200g 
金華火煺 四片 
蒜頭 六粒 
紅蔥頭 兩粒 
雞湯 兩杯
蠔油  一湯匙
胡椒粉 少許 
老抽 少許
糖 少許
生粉  一茶匙

花膠要處理: 用熱水浸四小時, 將啡色邊洗走 四小時後, 花膠變至白色,然後出水將薑片, 紅蔥頭放入熱水煮四分鐘 熄火後放入花膠, 浸至水溫變暖, 取出花膠切片備用用兩湯匙油炸香蒜頭備用  炒香蜜糖豆備用放入薑片, 紅蔥頭, 金華火煺片, 瑤柱, 再放進花膠,  一湯匙酒, 放進雞湯, 蠔油, 半茶匙糖, 少許胡椒粉調 加入已炸過的蒜頭, 放上蓋煮十五分鐘後熄火焗五分鐘 再開火將蓋拿走加少許老抽上色  燴入蜜糖豆, 炒半分鐘 用一茶匙生粉, 兩湯匙水來埋獻汁,  最後加少許麻油便完成

250g rehydrated fish maw 
2 rehydrated conpoy
200g sugar snap peas
4 slices of Chinese ham
6 cloves of garlic
2 shallots
4 slices of ginger
2 cups of chicken stock
1 tablespoon of oyster sauce
some ground pepper
1 tablespoon of wine
a dash of dark soy sauce
a sprinkle of sugar
1 teaspoon of corn starch.

Firstly, I have to prepare the fish maw. To do this, I have to immerse the dried fish maw in hot water for 4 hours, then remove the brown lines.  After 4 hours, the mouth maw will turn into a white colour, and it is put into a pot of hot water which has been boiled with slices of ginger and shallots.  Leave the fish maw in the water until the water cools off, then take out the fish maw and cut it into slices.

Use 2 tablespoon of oil to deep fry the cloves of garlic and leave them aside for later.  Then stir fry the sugar snaps and leave them aside.  Fry the ginger, shallots, Chinese ham, conpoy with garlic oil, then place the slices of fish maw into the pan, and add a tablespoon of wine, chicken stock, oyster sauce, 1/2 teaspoon of sugar and some ground pepper for seasoning.  Then add in the fried garlic, and placed the lid onto the pot and cook for 15 minutes.  Afterwards turn the heat off and let the dish rest for 5 minutes before heating the pan up again. Remove the lid from the pan and add some dark soy sauce to give it some colour.  Add in the sugar snap peas, and cook for another 1/2 minute.  Add a teaspoon of corn starch, 2 tablespoon of water to thicken the sauce.  Finally add a drizzle of sesame oil and the dish is ready!
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