Thursday 11 December 2014

★ 海參瑤柱炆冬菇 一 簡單做法 ★ | Braised Sea Cucumber Easy Recipe

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大家好, 冬至快到,今天張媽媽煮了一道菜:海參瑤柱炆冬菇, 想與各位分享。

Hi Everyone, today Mamacheung is making braised sea cucumber with conpoy and mushrooms.


海參 一斤, 花菇 八隻, 瑤柱 四粒, 紅蘿蔔 切花, 薑 四片, 蒜頭, 紅蔥頭, 生油, 

1 catty of sea cucumber, 8 Chinese mushrooms, 4 conpoy, carrot, 4 slices of ginger, garlic, shallots, oil and water


雞粉, 生抽, 麻油, 蠔油, 生粉, 紹興酒, 老抽, 胡椒粉, 糖

Chicken powder, light soy sauce, sesame oil, oyster sauce, corn starch, Shao Hsing wine, dark soy sauce, ground pepper, and sugar


海參, 花菇, 瑤柱用清水浸淋發大。海參要清理用兩湯匙油炒香薑片, 蒜頭, 紅蔥頭, 然後放入花菇炒約兩分 用一茶匙糖, 兩茶匙生抽, 一茶匙老抽, 一湯紹興酒調味, 之後放入瑤柱及浸過冬菇的水, 用大火煮滾後放上煱蓋炆45分鐘 當炆花菇時, 再用另一個煱放入兩湯匙油炒香薑片, 蒜頭, 紅蔥頭,然後放入海參炒一兩分鐘一茶匙糖, 兩湯匙蠔油, 少許胡椒粉調味, 再炒多半分鐘, 加一湯紹興酒, 再放進炆冬菇的煱子裡 加兩碗滾水蓋過花菇海參, 炆多二十分鐘上碟前, 放入紅蘿蔔花煮多一分鐘, 用一茶匙生粉和一湯匙水做獻汁,加入食材 最後加一茶匙麻油便大功告成! Enjoy!

Rehydrate the sea cucumber, dried conpoy and mushrooms in water. Clean the sea cucumber well. Heat the pot up and add 2 tablespoon of oil to stir fry the ginger, garlic and shallot, then add in the mushrooms. Add in 1 teaspoon of sugar, 2 teaspoon of light soy sauce, 1 teaspoon of dark soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of Shao Hsing wine, conpoy and water into the wok. Turn the heat up to high, when the water is boiled, cover the pot with a lid and braise for another 45 minutes.  

When the mushrooms are cooking, use another pan to prepare the sea cucumber. Firstly, heat up the pan and add 2 tablespoon of oil, stir fry the ginger, garlic and shallot before adding in the sea cucumber.  Stir fry for 1 to 2 minutes, then add 1 teaspoon of sugar, 2 tablespoon of oyster sauce, some ground pepper and stir fry for another 30 seconds.  Afterwards, we add in 1 tablespoon of Shao Hsing wine, before pouring the sea cucumber into the pot of mushrooms.  

Fill the pot with water just enough to cover the mushrooms and sea cucumber, and braise for another 20 minutes.  After 20 minutes, add in the slices of carrot and let it cook for 1 minute, before 1 teaspoon of starch mixed with 1 tablespoon of water is poured in to thicken the sauce.  Finally, add 1 teaspoon of sesame oil and the dish is ready. Enjoy!

此食譜已獲教育出版公司Twinkl( )轉載於 "虎年行大運!不止年糕、瓜子 各地新年活動、美食綜合介紹 手把手食譜包你學會" ( )文章。

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