Saturday 27 December 2014

★ 紅燒魚 一 簡單做法 ★ | Braised Fish Easy Recipe

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鯇魚 一斤 
豆腐 三件 切到半寸厚一件
發好嘅冬菇 四隻 切到一開二
洋蔥 1/4個 切件
紅椒 1/4個 切件
蒜頭六粒 切片 
紅蔥頭 四粒切片

唐芹 適量
蔥 適量
芫茜 適量


然後將兩茶匙的生粉蓋在魚上,等魚在煎時會硬身些 同時,魚不會容易散。鑊燒紅後,,放兩湯匙油,再將魚放上鑊內,魚皮向下。 煎到魚身硬了,再翻到另外一面,煎到全部金黃色,取出備用。鑊燒紅後,放兩茶匙油,再放冬菇片,洋蔥片爆炒半分鐘,取出備用。再放兩茶匙油來爆炒料頭。爆香薑片:魚要多些薑片去腥。再加入紅蔥頭,,蒜片爆炒等香味出來。如喜歡吃辣些,可以放隻辣椒落去。現在放進紅椒及唐芹一起爆炒半分鐘,然後取起備用。將魚再放進鑊內,之後加入紅燒汁。紅燒汁有兩茶匙生抽,一茶匙老抽,兩茶匙糖,一碗水。加入冬菇片,豆腐片一起煮。在鑊邊灒一湯匙酒,等餸菜香些。放上蓋,煮兩分鐘。之後,放入料頭,不能用力炒它。用一茶匙生粉,兩湯匙水來埋芡。現在放上芫荽及葱,少少芫荽留來裝飾。加入麻油, 增加香味。紅燒魚就煮好了。

1 catty (600 grams) of grass carp
3 blocks of tofu, cut into slices, 1/2 inch thick
Shitake mushrooms, cut in halves
1/2 Sliced onion 
1/2 Sliced red bell pepper
6 cloves of sliced garlic
10 slices of ginger
4 shallots, sliced
Chinese celery
Spring onion
Chinese coriander 

Corn flour
Light soy sauce
Dark soy sauce
Chicken stock

Use 1 tablespoon of light soy sauce, 1/2 teaspoon of ground pepper and 2 tablespoon of wine to marinade the fish, marinade for half an hour.               

Use 2 tablespoon of corn flour to cover the fish. This will make the fish easier to fry, and the fish will not break apart too easily.  Pour 2 tablespoon of oil into the hot pan.  Place the fish on the pan for frying, the fish skin side down. Fry the fish until all the sides become golden and then place them onto a plate for later.

Heat up the wok and place 2 tablespoon of oil.  Add in the mushrooms, sliced onion and fry for 30 seconds. Then remove them from the wok.  Then add 2 tablespoon of oil into the wok, and fry the ginger, garlic and shallot.  We use more ginger for this fish dish.  Then put in the shallots and sliced garlic.  This is to bring out the flavours.  You can put some chilli if you like it spicy.  Add the sliced bell peppers and Chinese celery into the pan and fry for 30 seconds, then remove them from the wok.  Place the fish back into the wok, then pour the sauce into the wok. 

The sauce is made using 2 teaspoon of light soy sauce; 1 teaspoon of dark soy sauce; 2 teaspoon of sugar and 1 bowl of water.  Now place the mushroom and tofu into the wok, and place 1 tablespoon of wine around the wok.  Cover the wok with a lid and cook for 2 minutes.  After 2 minutes, place the rest of the cooked ingredients into the wok.  Remember not to stir too hard, as the fish is delicate and can break.  Then, mix 1 teaspoon of corn flour in a bowl of 2 tablespoon of water. Pour in the mixture to thicken the sauce.  Now place the spring onion and Chinese coriander into the wok. Leave some spring onion later for decoration.  Drizzle some sesame oil into the wok to bring out the flavour.   The dish is then ready to serve.
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