Hi, I am making vegetable hot pot today. It is a simple and healthy winter dish.
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一百五十克西蘭花, 出水
三隻冬菇, 出水,切片
五隻雲耳, 出水
幾隻蟹味菇, 出水
三棵蒜, 切段
一尖紅椒, 切片
兩棵蔥, 切段
150g blanched broccoli
3 shitake mushrooms, blanched and sliced
5 black fungus, blanched
Some crab flavoured mushrooms, blanched
4 leeks, chopped
1 red pepper, sliced
10 slices of lotus roots
38g rehydrated shrimps
2 spring onions, chopped
3 shallots, finely chopped
4 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
胡椒粉, 少許
五香粉, 少許
1tbsp oyster sauce
1 tbsp chilli bean sauce
1/2 tsp sugar
2 tsp corn starch with 2 tbsp water
some ground pepper
some five spice powder
1 tsp sesame oil
用一湯匙油來爆蝦乾,炒香後備用.鑊加入蒜, 蓮藕片, 再加半碗水, 搇蓋,煮一分鐘, 然後取出備用. 放一湯匙油, 再加入紅蔥頭碎, 蒜頭碎, 豆板醬, 之後加入尖紅椒, 冬菇, 雲耳, 蟹味菇, 炒香它們. 加入胡椒粉,五香粉, 半茶匙砂糖, 一湯匙蠔油調味. 再加入西蘭花和已炒過的蒜及蓮藕片, 已炒香的蝦乾, 半碗水, 搇蓋煮一分鐘. 打開蓋, 加入生粉水埋獻. 加一茶匙麻油, 炒一炒, 再放入煲仔裏. 加入半碗水, 蔥段, 然後搇蓋, 煮一分鐘便完成了.
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Use 1 tbsp oil to stir fry the shrimps, then later them out for later use. Add in the leeks, lotus roots, 1/2 bowl of water. Cover the pan with a lid and cook for 1 minute. Afterwards, remove them from the pan for later use.
Use 1 tbsp of oil to fry up the chopped shallot, garlic, chilli bean sauce. Then add in the sliced red pepper, mushrooms. Add some ground pepper and five spice, 1/2 tsp sugar and 1 tbsp oyster sauce. Then add in the broccoli, leek, lotus roots, shrimps and 1/2 bowl of water. Cover pan with a lid and cook for 1 minute. Then add in the corn starch mixture and 1 tsp of sesame oil. Mix well before emptying them from the pan into the clay pot. Add 1/2 bowl of water and chopped spring onion, cover the clay pot and cook for 1 minute before serving.
I hope you like this simple and healthy dish. Please subscribe to my channel. Bye!
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