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1/2 lb Plain flour
1/2 cup (80g) white sesame seeds
1 egg
90g sugar
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
2 tsp oil
2 tbsp water
Cooking oil for deep drying
將半磅低筋麵粉,泡打粉及梳打食粉放入篩內,一起篩. 清洗白芝麻後,用清水浸泡十五分鐘後弄乾備用,預防炸燶它. 將雞蛋放入盆發勻,放進糖打溶,再放進生油. 準備一個半湯匙水,留起半湯匙備用(視乎麵粉的濕度)將一湯匙水放進盆內攪勻,用手指感覺砂糖是否完全溶化了.將粉類放進盆內,撈勻成粉糰. 搓好了.今次用了一湯匙水.將粉糰放上盆裡用保鮮紙蓋上靜止十五分鐘.十五分鐘後,將麵糰取出,分成幾份後,搓成條狀. 切粒粒,若像大拇指一樣大.搓圓後放進芝麻堆裏.將四杯生油放進煱子裏,開火燒熱,用筷子測試油溫.如筷子邊有泡泡的話,便熄火及放入笑口棗開始炸, 一分鐘後,當笑口棗開始浮面時,再開火,用筷子攪開沉了底的笑口棗同時用筷子攪拌,令笑口棗互相碰撞令它們爆口.當笑口棗轉金黃色,開大火迫出油,再取出笑口棗. 將笑口棗放在廚房紙上.擱涼後便完成了.
Sieve the plain flour, baking soda and baking powder together. Wash the sesame seeds and soak them in water for 15 minutes before drained dry, to prevent them from getting burnt later. Whisk up an egg in a bowl and add in the sugar and oil. Prepare 1.5 tbsp of water, pour 1 tbsp of water into the bowl and start mixing to dissolve the sugar. Put the powder mixture into the bowl and start mixing it to become a dough. If the consistency is too dry, add the remaining 1/2 tbsp of water.
Once the dough is ready, cover it with cling film and rest for 15 minutes, then divide it into small portions and roll them into strips. Then cut them into smaller portions (size of thumb) and roll into balls. Cover the balls with sesame seeds.
Pour 4 cups of oil into the pan and start heating it until bubbles form around a chopstick. Turn heat off and place the sesame balls into the oil. When they start floating onto the surface, turn the heat back on, use a pair of chopsticks to stir the sesame balls, so that they knock against each other to create cracks on their surfaces. When they turn golden in colour, turn the heat to high before taking them out and let them rest on a piece of paper towel. Sesame balls are ready to serve after they have cooled down. Enjoy.

How many sesame balls does this recipe make?