Wednesday, 23 December 2015

★ 糯米飯 一 簡單做法 ★ | Chinese Sticky Rice Easy Recipe

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三百克糯米 300g Glutinous rice
二百毫升浸冬菇蝦米水 200ml water
一條臘腸 1 Chinese sausage
二百克臘肉 200g Chinese cured pork
四分一茶匙雞粉 1/4tsp Chicken powder
適量炸花生 Fried peanuts
一湯匙紅蔥頭碎 1tbsp chopped shallot
一茶匙蒜茸 1tsp finely chopped garlic
二十克蝦米(浸泡好)20g dried shrimp (rehydrated)
適量芫茜蔥 Chopped coriander & spring onion
四隻冬菇切粒 4 shiitake mushrooms (diced)
生油 Cooking oil
一湯匙紹興酒 1tbsp rice wine
兩茶匙生抽 2tsp soy sauce
一湯匙老抽 1tbsp dark soy sauce
一茶匙砂糖 1tsp sugar

將糯米清洗,跟冬菇水一起放進電鍋內, 放入四分一茶匙雞粉,攪勻. 將臘腸,臘肉放在糯米上. 開啟電鍋。當電鍋自動熄火後,多等十分鐘,然後取出臘腸臘肉. 將臘腸臘肉切粒.

燒熱鍋,放入一茶匙生油,炒香紅蔥頭碎, 放進蒜蓉,炒香,放入冬菇粒, 蝦米, 加入少許胡椒粉僻腥. 放入臘腸粒,臘肉粒。然後加一湯匙紹興酒。兜炒後取出.

放入煮了的糯米飯,熄火。 加兩茶匙生抽,一湯匙老抽,一茶匙砂糖,撈勻. 開小火,將之前炒好了的材料加入鍋內,炒勻. 試味,如果不夠鹹可以加多少許生抽. 放入花生,芫茜蔥粒,臘味糯米飯便完成了.

臘味糯米飯很香,很有層次感,很窩心,簡單易做. 希望你們都試試做吧!
請留言給我,訂閱我的頻道. 請關注我的 Facebook 和 Instagram,謝謝.下次見!

Wash the rice, then place into ricecooker with water.  Add in 1/4tsp chicken powder, mix well.  Place Chinese sausage and cured meat on the rice and turn on rice cooker. 

When ricecooker automatically switches off, wait for 10mins, then take out the sausage and meat. Slice the sausage and meat into dices.

Heat up the wok and add 1tsp cooking oil, stir fry the shallots, garlic, mushrooms, dried shrimps. Add some ground pepper powder. Then add in the diced sausage and meat, 1tbsp rice wine. Mix well then take out for later.

Add the rice into the wok then turn the heat off. Add 2tsp soy sauce, 1tbsp dark soy sauce, 1tsp sugar, and mix well.  Turn the heat on to low, add back the cooked ingredients into the work and mix well with the rice. Check if it needs seasoning-more soy sauce can be added if needed.  Add in peanuts, chopped coriander and spring onion.  Chinese sticky rice is then ready to be served.

Chinese sticky rice is a great winter dish. It is easy to make and tastes great.  I hope you will try making this at home.  Please leave me a comment, subscribe to my channel for updates on my new recipes, follow me on Facebook and Instagram. See you next time. Bye.
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