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材料/ Ingredients:
一百克半肥瘦豬肉碎 100g minced pork
一件滾湯滑豆腐 1 large block of tofu
一茶匙砂糖 1tsp sugar
一茶匙生抽 1tsp soy sauce
一茶匙生粉 1tsp potato starch
一湯匙半辣豆板醬 1.5tbsp chili bean sauce
一茶匙川椒粉 1tsp Sichuan pepper powder
一湯匙紅辣椒粉 1tbsp chili powder
適量麻油 Sesame oil
一茶匙豆豉 1tsp fermented black bean
一湯匙生粉加一湯匙水 1tbsp starch in 1 tbsp water
十安士雞湯 10oz (296ml) chicken stock
適量生油 cooking oil
適量芫茜蔥 coriander and spring onion
一湯匙蒜蓉 1tbsp chopped garlic
一茶匙薑米 1tsp chopped ginger
一湯匙紅蔥頭碎 1tbsp chopped shallot
將豆腐沖水,掠乾. 將外皮切掉,然後切成丁粒. 將芫茜蔥切粒. 將砂糖,生抽,生粉,麻油撈入豬肉碎,醃三分鐘. 準備半煲水,水滾後放入豆腐,除走豆青味, 煮一分鐘後搇蓋熄火備用. 燒熱鍋,放一茶匙生油, 用中小火炒香豬肉碎. 放入薑米,紅蔥頭碎. 當薑米出味才放入蒜蓉,慢慢炒香肉碎,炒約三分鐘,取出備用.
放入一湯匙生油,用微火炒紅辣椒粉,炒出紅油. 一分鐘後,放入豆板醬,炒出香味. 放入豆豉,炒香了的豬肉碎, 調教至中火,放入雞湯,一茶匙砂糖, 一茶匙生抽,煮滾. 將豆腐隔水後放進鍋子裡,搇蓋, 用中小火煮兩分鐘令豆腐入味. 試試味道, 加入豆粉水埋獻,令肉汁濃稠掛在豆腐上. 加入一茶匙麻油,灑上蔥粒,上碟. 再灑上川椒粉,芫茜粒. 麻婆豆腐便完成了.
很好吃, 希望你們都試試做. 如喜歡的話,請分享給朋友和請留言交流. 請訂閱我的頻道, 和關注我的Facebook及Instagram. 謝謝,下次見!
Wash and drain the tofu. Remove the surfaces of the tofu, and cut into small dices. Use soy sauce, potato starch, sugar and sesame oil to marinate the pork for 3 minute.
Prepare 1/2 pot of water, put the tofu in when the water is boiled to remove the bitter taste. Cook for 1 minute then turn heat off and cover the lid.
Heat up a wok, add 1tsp of oil and use med-low heat to stir fry the pork, then add in chopped ginger, chopped shallots. When one can smell the aroma from the ginger, add in the chopped garlic. Stir fry the pork for 3 minutes, then take out for later.
Add 1 tbsp of oil, use very low heat to fry the chili powder. After 1 minute, add in chili bean powder, then fermented black bean, cooked minced pork. Turn the heat to medium, then add in chicken stock, 1tsp sugar, 1tsp soy sauce, bring to boil. Then add in the tofu and cover the wok with a lid. Use med-low heat to cook for 2 minutes. Taste and check if seasoning is needed, then add in 1tbsp starch in 1tbsp water to thicken the sauce.
Drizzle 1tsp sesame oil, chopped spring onion, then place into a plate. Sprinkle some Szechuan chilli powder and coarsely chopped coriander on top. Mapo Tofu is ready.
Hope you like this recipe and try this at home. Please subscribe to my channel and follow me on twitter, Instagram and like my Facebook.

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