Thursday, 24 November 2016

★ 蓮藕豬骨湯 一 簡單做法 ★ | Lotus Root Soup Easy Recipe

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材料 Ingredients:
一斤蓮藕,切件 600g lotus roots, chopped
四百克紅蘿蔔,切條 400g carrots, chopped
一斤豬骨 600g pork bones, chopped
四隻浸了的冬菇,切件 4 shiitake mushrooms,  sliced
十粒馬蹄,切片 10 water chestnuts, sliced
四粒蜜棗 4 mutcho dates
三粒浸了的干貝 3 rehydrated conpoy
三十克浸了半小時生薏米 30g soaked pearl barley
一片浸了的果皮,去囊 1 tangerine peel,  pith removed
四公升半清水 4.5litres of water



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Thursday, 17 November 2016

★ 咕嚕肉 一 做法 ★ | Sweet and Sour Pork Recipe


材料 Ingredients:六至八人份量/6-8 people portion
三百五十克梅頭豬扒 350g pork shoulder
半隻青椒 1/2 green bell pepper
半隻紅椒 1/2 red bell pepper
三片菠蘿 3 slices of pineapple, diced
六十克粟粉 60g corn starch
六十克生粉 60g starch
兩隻雞蛋 2 eggs

酸甜汁材料 Sweet and sour sauce ingredient:
一湯匙番茄膏 1tbsp tomato puree
兩湯匙茄醬 2tbsp tomato ketchup
六分一茶匙鹽 1/6tsp salt
兩茶匙生粉加一湯匙清水 2tsp starch in 1tbsp water
兩湯匙清水 2tbsp water
三湯匙糖 3tbsp sugar
六湯匙白醋 6tbsp white vinegar

豬扒調味料 Marinade for pork
一湯匙生抽 1tbsp soy sauce
六分一茶匙鹽 1/6 tsp salt
半茶匙糖 1/2tsp sugar
六分一茶匙胡椒粉 1/6tsp ground black pepper

做法 Summary
現在煮酸甜汁:用中小火,放一茶匙生油,放進番茄膏,炒香。將兩湯匙清水加進白醋,再放進鍋子裡,加進糖,茄醬,用微火,鹽,少許芡汁,收小火。加入豬肉,青紅椒,菠蘿片,撈勻。 【脆皮咕嚕肉】完成了

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Thursday, 10 November 2016

★ 冰糖燕窩 一 簡單做法 ★ | Bird's Nest Soup Easy Recipe

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六隻燕盞(燕餅,燕條,燕碎) 6 bird's nests
十二粒紅棗 12 red dates
大約一百克冰糖(份量隨意)100g rock sugar (optional)


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★ 生煎包 一 簡單做法 ★ | Pan Fried Meat Bun Easy Recipe

Hello everyone I am making <Pan Fried Meat Bun> today:

400g of plain flour
2 teaspoon of fast acting dried yeast
1 teaspoon of Black sesame seeds
2 tablespoon of sugar
1.5 bowl of water
250g chicken strips
3 Shiitake mushrooms, 
50g sliced Pickled vegetables
300 g of cabbage, sliced
1 teaspoon of salt

Marinade the chicken strips with soy sauce, corn flour, sugar, ginger, ground pepper and sesame oil for 15 minutes

Put 2 teaspoon of yeast into a pan of plain flour, 2 tablespoon of sugar, half a bowl of water into the pan, mix it with the flour. Normally when we knead the dough, we need to check the consistency of the dough, so if we feel that the dough is too crumbly, add some more water. Knead the dough well, push the dough out and knead it back. We just used 1.5 bowl of water altogether.  Place the dough in a pot, and put the lid on, and rest the dough for 30 minutes before use.

We put 1 teaspoon of salt into the sliced cabbage to extract the water and to soften it.
Squeeze out the juice from the cabbage, otherwise the filling will be too soggy.
Fry the pickled vegetables and mushrooms then let them cool down before mixing them with the chicken and cabbage.

When the dough has rested, place it on a worktop.  Slice it into 40 g portions.
Roll the dough flat, the rim should be thinner.  Add the filling and use your thumb to push the filling in, and try to close the bun.  Pull the wrapper out slowly and carefully and fold it and try to bury the filling.  Seal it well by turning and squeezing the dough together, to prevent the filling coming out.  Afterwards we place them in a wok evenly.  Heat up the pan, place 1 tablespoon of oil.  Mix 1 tablespoon of plain flour, 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 2 teaspoon of vinegar into a bowl of water, then pour the mixture into the pan.  The fluid should half cover the buns, so add an extra 1/2 bowl of water.  Place the lid on, use medium heat to cook the buns until all the water has evaporated.  This takes about 5 to 6 minutes.  Now this is ready, we sprinkle some back sesame seeds onto the buns.  We also add some chopped spring onion.  Use a large plate and place it over the buns, and flip the pan over.

Pan fried meat buns are ready to serve.

I hope you like this recipe.  Please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my YouTube channel for the latest recipe!

Instagram Visit Mama's profile on Pinterest.

Thursday, 3 November 2016

★ 豉汁蒸鱔 蟠龍鱔 一 簡單做法 ★ | Steamed eel with black bean sauce Easy Recipe


材料 Ingredients:
一條白鱔(約八百克)1 eel (800g)
兩粒酸梅 2 preserved sour plum
一湯匙豆豉蓉 1tbsp minced preserved black beans
一湯匙蒜蓉 1tbsp chopped garlic
一茶匙半砂糖 1.5tsp sugar
一茶匙麻油 1tsp sesame oil
半茶匙老抽 1/2tsp dark soy sauce
一湯匙生抽 1tbsp soy sauce
一茶匙紹興酒 1tsp Shaoxing wine
兩茶匙生粉加一湯匙水 2tsp starch in 1tbsp water
八至十粒蒜頭 8-10 cloves of garlic
一小片果皮浸腍切絲 shredded dried tangerine peel
四分一茶匙胡椒粉 1/4tsp ground pepper powder
芫茜蔥 Coriander and Spring onion



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